Stale Thoughts and Broken Links

Old posts *not* related to geophysics and the energy industry.
2009.11: The horizontal axis is time.

2009.10: Partial skeleton.

2009.09: The exploding internet.

2009.08: The Unix syndrome.

2009.07: Lima beans.

2009.06: GIFs.

2009.05: A Texas wall.

2009.04: Hold steady.

2009.03: One trillion dollars.

2009.02: Passive aggressive armed robbery.

2009.01: Those were the good times.

2008.12: Nothing left to steal.

2008.11: The dancing plague.

2008.10: Maverick!

2008.09: Ike.

2008.08: How humans got so smart.

2008.07: A shiny new iPhone.

2008.06: Making the Brazilian lumber industry look like tree huggers.

2008.05: Trillions of dollars of debt.

2008.04: Social misfits.

2008.03: Malthusian fears.

2008.02: The year of the rat.

2008.01: Champions.

2007.12: Wide stance blogging.

2007.11: So proud.

2007.10: Invasive Homo sapiens.

2007.09: A family tree without enough branches.

2007.08: Bathroom humor.

2007.07: Everyone I know is a muggle.

2007.06: You can't sit here.

2007.05: A grumpy old man.

2007.04: Tunnel to Russia.

2007.03: Embellished images of the heavens.

2007.02: Wind chill factor versus heat index.

2007.01: The gamma-ray burst scenario.

2006.12: A deeper understanding of reality.

2006.11: Knocked off-line.

2006.10: Remember Global Cooling?

2006.09: Red Hot Chili Torture.

2006.08: Pluto gets the boot.

2006.07: A psychedelic legacy.

2006.06: A strange place.

2006.05: But I'm not calling terrorists.

2006.04: A file of random quotes.

2006.03: Basketball and cosmology.

2006.02: City-crunching monsters.

2006.01: Trippin' through life.

2005.12: Pryor dies, Lennon lives.

2005.11: Patently stupid.

2005.10: A hot mystery.

2005.09: Mourning New Orleans.

2005.08: Flying Spaghetti Monster.

2005.07: Funny-looking pictures in Physical Review.

2005.06: Titan is bone dry.

2005.05: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

2005.04: Earth science bloggers.

2005.03: Rock's oldest joke.

2005.02: American Idiot at top of his game.

2005.01: Crème brûlée on Titan.

2004.12: Indian Ocean Tsunami.

2004.11: Earth Simulator vs. Blue Gene.

2004.10: Hand shadows on the wall.

2004.09: As dumb as a box of rock.

2004.08: Wally the Wavelet.

2004.07: Free WiFi.

2004.06: Hugh Wallis Road.

2004.05: Intelligent design theory.

2004.04: Truly colossal volcanic eruption.

2004.03: 2330-foot Jesus.

2004.02: The infamous nipple.

2004.01: Registered professional geoscientist.

2003.12: A big fish.

2003.11: In Tiger Stadium.

2003.10: Shooting the bird.

2003.09: Lost in production.

2003.08: Star Trek theology.

2003.07: Entropy and old age.

2003.06: A lot of candles.

2003.05: Picture of Earth From Mars.

2003.04: Some seismic activity.

2003.03: Incredibly shallow and self-centered.

2003.02: Columbia tragedy.

2003.01: I am an alien.

2002.12: A sanitized past.

2002.11: Strip for peace.

2002.10: Elvis has left the building.

2002.09: Bush speech link.

2002.08: A week in Big Bend.

2002.07: Too hip for me.

2002.06: A free tarantula calendar.

2002.05: More science links.

2002.04: Ariel Sharon.

2002.04: Correspondence with Dev George.

2002.03: Tournament time!

2002.02: You are getting ver-y sleeeeep-y ....

2002.01: I get a new ... laptop!

2001.12: The snowball fight link.

2001.11: Clones and MP3s.

2001.10: Holy crap!

2001.09: WTC.

2001.09: Correspondence with Bruce Shriver.

2001.08: Tay.

2001.07: Petty phalandering white supremacists.

2001.06: Map of the universe.

2001.05: Dick Cheney and Kaycee Nicole.

2001.04: Bleeding heart liberal of the year.

2001.03: So that's why it's called the idiot box!

2001.02: Anti-dork-al evidence.

2001.01: Ginger, the hydrogen-powered scooter.

2000.12: A cosmic wallop.

2000.11: A close call.

2000.10: Lurch.

2000.09: Bye-bye Bobby Knight.

2000.08: Bob Dole.

2000.07: Napster and government approved sex.

2000.06: Lullabies.

2000.05: I think I see the resemblance ...

2000.04: Black dots.

2000.03: Myanmar, damnit!

2000.02: Lennon.

1996.05: Happy Mother's Day.

1996.04: Impending fatherhood.

Click here for old entries from my weblog that are related to geophysics and the energy industry.

Walter Kessinger

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