Washington Post:
Mars Vents Methane in What Could Be Sign of Life.
"Even if turns out that the Martian methane is from
non-biological processes -- a far less dramatic
prospect -- that would nonetheless reshape thinking
about the planet, which scientists thought to be
geologically dead and chemically unlikely to
produce much of the gas."
Science News:
Milky Way As Massive As 3 Trillion Suns.
"... the Milky Way is about 50 percent heavier than
[previously] calculated, bringing it up to par with
Andromeda" ...
"The radio observations yielded another
surprise.... From these observations, the team
deduced that the Milky Way must have four spiral
arms: two dominant ones that include both new stars
traced by the VLBA observations along with old
stars seen by Spitzer; and two other arms that
contain only newborn stars. "
Mars rovers roll on to five years.
"The first robot, named Spirit, landed on 3
January, 2004, followed by its twin, Opportunity,
21 days later. It was hoped the robots would work
for at least three months; but their longevity in
the freezing Martian conditions has surprised
Dave Barry, The Washington Post:
The Year in Review.
"How weird a year was it? Here's how weird:
"O.J. actually got convicted of something.
"Gasoline hit $4 a gallon -- and those were the good times.
"On several occasions, ‘Saturday Night Live’ was funny."
List of common misconceptions.
"It is sometimes claimed that half, or more than
half, of all humans who were ever born are alive
today.... [E]ven adopting conservative values
regarding the origins of humanity, a significantly
lower proportion of the human population is
currently alive."
John Stump:
Faeries Aire and Death Waltz.
"Release the penguins!"