Stale Thoughts and Broken Links

Old posts from my weblog.

(Click here for posts on geophysics and the energy industry.)


UT Office of Public Affairs: Seismic Images Show Dinosaur-Killing Meteor Made Bigger Splash.

"According to Sean Gulick, a research scientist at the Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas at Austin's Jackson School of Geosciences and principal investigator for the project, the new images reveal the asteroid landed in deeper water than previously assumed and therefore released about 6.5 times more water vapor into the atmosphere."


I updated my wife's website over the weekend --

Cynthia Kessinger.

> I used Apple's iWeb application. As an admitted Apple fanboy, I've wanted to test iWeb for a couple of years.

> My review: it's pretty nifty for stitching together a pretty web site with linked pages and lots of graphics. It would have taken me 3-4 times longer to cobble together an ugly site and add the pictures if I had coded it by hand. Also, it generates RSS feeds!

> The downside: it's slooooooow loading. Really slow. Unless I find a way to strip out the lead, I'll keep doing this site the old-fashioned way.

A really boring Flash game --

Library of Congress: The Classification Guide.


ESPN: Tigers can 'let it out' after winning national title.

"... [Les] Miles' damn strong football team won the Allstate BCS National Championship Game, beating No. 1-ranked (cough, cough) and supposedly more focused Ohio State, 38-24."

Walter Kessinger

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