The National Review:
Movie Review -- 'The Happening'.
"M. Night Shyamalan's latest movie, The Happening,
is not merely bad. It is an astonishment, so
idiotic in conception and inept in execution that,
after seeing it, one almost wonders whether it was
real or imagined." ...
"Perhaps oddest of all, The Happening imagines
itself to be a powerfully pro-environment movie....
Allow me to suggest, contrarily, that if millions
of Americans were killed by some tree-originated
pathogen that could be released again at any time,
the immediate result would not be a renewed
enthusiasm for peaceful coexistence, but rather a
program of deforestation so aggressive it'd make
the Brazilian lumber industry look like tree
Science News:
Makeover for the Milky Way.
"Using infrared images from NASA's Spitzer Space
Telescope, scientists have discovered that the
Milky Way's elegant spiral structure is dominated
by just two major arms. Previously, our galaxy was
thought to possess four major arms."
Here's a link to a NASA illustration --
Two-Armed Spiral Milky Way.
After Years of Effort, Dark Energy Still Puzzles Scientists.
"Einstein's constant is the most economical
explanation for dark energy, Dr. Witten said....
But if dark energy is the cosmological constant, it
is smaller than predicted by a shocking factor of
10^60. No fundamental principles can explain why
Einstein's constant, or any physical parameter,
could be so small without being zero...."
Sunday school lesson --
Jesus and the dinosaurs.