A Review of Misquoting Jesus
by Bart D. Ehrman.
"The earliest surviving versions of the gospels are
handwritten copies dating from centuries after the
original texts were written. Also, we don't just have a
single version of each gospel; we have many versions,
and even more fragments. The trouble is, none of the
versions agree with each other. As Ehrman puts it, there
are more points of disagreement between manuscripts than
there are words in the Gospels."
Microsoft's most unforgivable crime --
Roughly Drafted:
How Apple Keyboards Lost a Logo and Windows PCs Gained One.
"When Microsoft delivered Windows as its copycat,
competing version of the Mac desktop for DOS users, it
simply mapped the standard key commands Apple had
originated -- including the familiar Command S, Z, X, C,
V for save, undo, cut, copy, paste -- to control key
combinations on the PC. This was another shortsighted PC
mistake that would become an unsolvable annoyance for