The Tacoma News Tribune:
A horror movie come to life.
"Cell phone technology allows remote monitoring of
calls, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Known as a ‘roving bug,’ it works whether a
phone is on or off. FBI agents tracking organized crime
have used it to monitor meetings among mobsters. Global
positioning systems, installed in many cell phones, also
make it possible to pinpoint a phone's location within a
few feet."
"According to James M. Atkinson, a Massachusetts-based
expert in counterintelligence who has advised the U.S.
Congress on security issues, it's not that hard to take
remote control of a wireless phone."
When chemistry is outlawed, only outlaws will do chemistry.
"In Texas, you need to register the purchase of Erlenmeyer flasks or three-necked beakers. The same state where I do not have to register a handgun, forces me to register a glass beaker."
> It's so aggrevating to try to buy Sudafed. I don't think they even sell the bottles with 100 pills anymore.
NYT: Slideshow --
Gamers and their online avatars.
LA Times:
In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil.
"‘Excuse me,’ hissed the voice in my ear. ‘You can't sit here.’ The man from the counter had appeared at my elbow. He was glaring." ...
"Like the segregated South of a bygone United States, today's Saudi Arabia shunts half the population into separate, inferior and usually invisible spaces."
It looks like someone is changing their tune --
Bush Proposes Goals on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
"‘The United States is taking the lead, and that's
the message I'm going to take to the G-8,’ Mr.
Bush said.
"But how well that message will be received remains to be
seen. Germany, backed by Britain and now Japan, has
already proposed cutting global greenhouse gas emissions
by 50 percent by 2050."
> Apparently everyone didn't get the memo --
LA Times:
NASA chief not worried about global warming.
"In a series of reports this year, the thousands of
scientists who make up the panel warned of an
apocalyptic future -- widespread drought, rising sea
levels, more frequent hurricanes and mass extinctions by
the end of the century -- if the world did not act soon
to curb its emissions of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases."