Adam Curry:
The MTV Chronicles.
"There probably isn't a single performer, band or group you can think of from
the 80's and 90's that I haven't interviewed, met, encountered or hung out with.
I have plenty of stories."
> If you didn't know, Adam Curry, the late 80's/ early 90's MTV VJ with all
the hair, was a true Internet pioneer.
> When I discovered the World Wide Web back in 1993 -- yeah, that's right! I
discovered the World Wide Web! -- um, what was I saying? Oh --
> Back in 1993, Curry created and owned the mtv.com web site. It was primitive
by today's standards, but it was the first popular semi-commercial site that I
knew anything about. In late '93/ early '94, mtv.com and the NCSA
"What's New?" page were the only two sites I remember frequenting on a regular
basis. In fact, those were the only sites I knew that regularly updated their
Holy Crap, I just got laid off!
Paradigm announced this morning that their revenues will fall $7 million short
this year. Eight people in the US office were let go, and I'm one of the lucky
eight. (My group, which earlier this year was rolled together with R&D
into the Technology group, was especially hard hit.)
Anyway, I still think Paradigm has terrific technology, and I have nothing but
the highest regard for the company. In this business, these things happen.
And if you know about any positions for an exploration seismologist, particularly one with extensive depth imaging experience, please let me know. I'll be evaluating my options in the real near future. :-)
Message From Boeing To Osama bin Laden.
(It's a 1/2 Mbyte PowerPoint file. You have to download it,
unzip it and open it. Zip is a PC thing, so it should work for all of you PC people.
(and Mac people with Stuffit.) If you can't find it after it downloads, look in
"My Documents," or wherever you PC people put things. Let me know if you can't
open it. (What, you don't have PowerPoint? What are you, some kind of freak?)
We received this email last week. My email program had flagged it as junk
mail, because it was broadcast to 30 address, apparently all belonging to
people named Kessinger. I'm posting it here in case you are a Kessinger who
didn't get it ->
Subject: A heart felt apology
Hi my name is Tom Garven,
PLEASE don't get freaked out by this missive, (I know I would be). I
found your address' by searching online using "Kessinger" as a qualifier. I
apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you. Believe me, I won't
contact you again.
I'm trying to find Lynn Kessinger, who used to live in Edina MN. around
1969. Lynn K. was a girlfriend of mine in 1969, and the way I broke up with
her in Junior High has troubled me ever since. She was (and I know still
is) one of the nicest, honest and lovely humanbeings I have ever had the
honor to know. Her parents got transfered somewhere, and I lost track of
her. If you know Lynn, I would be forever in your debt if you would PLEASE
give her my e-address, or if she doesn't want it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
PLEASE PLEASE pass on my heart felt apology for being a young and uncultured
punk. It is my hope that she finds out how deeply sorry I am. Thank you in
advance. Sincerely, Tom Garven
Science links ->
Science News:
A Cosmic Crisis? Dark
doings in the universe.
"... researchers can infer the cosmic abundance of baryons, which include the
protons and neutrons that make up all atomic nuclei, ... account for less than
5 percent of all the matter in the universe. The rest must be some sort of
exotic material that no telescope can see. Indeed, astronomers have come to
think of luminous galaxies as mere bright flecks embedded in a halo of dark
Scientific American:
The Milky
Way's Hidden Black Hole. A giant x-ray flare from the heart of our galaxy is
helping researchers test ideas about a black hole they believe lurks there.
"Prior to this discovery, researchers could not rule out other explanations for
the 2.7-million-solar-mass gravitational field at our galactic center."
Physics Today:
The Origin and
Evolution of Planetary Nebulae.
"Today we know that planetary nebulae represent a transitional stage in the life
cycles of many stars, during which a formerly cool, distended red giant star sheds
much of its mass, baring the hot stellar core, which in turn illuminates, ionizes,
and heats the newly created circumstellar gas cloud. This phase lasts only
10,000 - 100,000 years, a mere blink of an eye in the typical lifetime of a star,
which is measured in millions or billions of years."
8 planets found around
distant suns.
"The latest discoveries, reported Monday, bring the total of known planets
outside our solar system to around 80. More important, their circular orbits
reinforce a growing realization that at least some other planetary systems are
similar to our own."
Science News:
Dolly Was Lucky.
"Although Dolly's birth has inspired a few maverick researchers to want to make
human cloning a reality, the often-disastrous results of animal cloning have
convinced many scientists that an effort to clone a person is unthinkable at
this time."
Richard Dawkins, Council for Secular Humanism:
Sadly, an
Honest Creationist.
"Kurt Wise ... volunteers that, even if all the evidence in the
universe flatly contradicted Scripture, and even if he had reached the point
of admitting this to himself, he would still take his stand on Scripture and
deny the evidence. This leaves me, as a scientist, speechless. I cannot imagine
what it must be like to have a mind capable of such doublethink."
I'm still reading a lot of WTC/Afghanistan stories (who isn't?), but I'm trying
to limit my linkage here so that it doesn't take over my blog. After all, I don't
think anyone is having trouble finding news on those topics.
If you want pointers, though, here are a few rags I like to scan:
The New Republic.
Slate. (I'm not a bleeding-heart
liberal. I just like to think occasionally.)
Wall Street Journal
political weblog. (Opinions are free, WSJ only charges for news.)
Finally, I want to point to Raymond
van der Woning's weblog. Raymond is a Canadian, and he's clearly further to the
right on the political spectrum than I am. But dammit, sometimes it's nice to find an
ally that acts like an ally!
Just in case you were following this story ->
WTAE-TV Pittsburgh:
Not Body Part, Found In Punch.
The Register:
The world will end
tomorrow - official.
"This is not a circular its from me and was told to me from a reliable source.
tell all your friends."
> ... and email a copy to everyone you know!
Wall Street Journal (subscription):
Tower's Chief Engineer Stands Up for His Masterpiece.
"Since the destruction, Mr. Robertson says he has had trouble sleeping, wondering
if there had been a way to make the buildings stand for `those extra minutes.'"
> I read this article two days ago, and it has really stuck with me. Worth the
read, if you're a WSJ subscriber.
Favorite Afghan.
"As it happens, the lead National Security Council official dealing with the
region is one Zalmay Khalilzad, an Afghan-born scholar of both the Middle East
and military affairs. Judging from things he has written in the past, this
little-known defense intellectual is playing a central role in the
administration's emerging strategy for combating Islamic terrorism."
> BTW, I think the Bush administration has done an excellent job of conducting
this affair thus far.
> This might seem like an odd thing to say at the beginning of a military
campaign, but I can't help feeling that this is an opportunity for us to use
our power to make the world a better place for a lot of people.
I'm in a rambling mood this afternoon.
For the last week, we have had beautiful weather in the Houston area. Cindy and I
took advantage of the good weather on Sunday and took our kids to the Houston Zoo. It was Kenneth's
first trip, and he enjoyed it greatly; he has requested "back zoo!" several times
After lunch today I strolled around a couple of downtown parks, idly checking out
the cow
parade. I noticed a very large young Hispanic man being pulled from one
fiberglass cow to the next by an excited three-year-old girl with long dark
As much as I love my boys, sometimes I still feel a little wistful about the
daughter I'll never have. We planned to name her Kim, or Kimberly, Kessinger.
Oh well. Maybe someday I'll get a granddaughter.
WSJ (subscription):
Launches Ad Campaign In Hopes of Snaring Apple Loyalists. (here's a free link
to the same article.)
"At a technology conference in San Francisco last week, Steve Jobs, Apple's
chief executive, also offered support, noting that Microsoft's Office v.X `could
end up being the poster child for what a Macintosh application should look like.'"
> Now that Mac OS 10.1 and Mac Office X (ten) are both almost
available, I'm almost ready to buy a new laptop. If only Apple would
update the graphics processor in their Powerbooks ...