Oh, yeah: I hope everyone had a happy Easter. I spent the weekend yelling
at my kids, who were constantly fighting. But I spent a lot of
time with them, so at least I earned some sort of Daddy brownie points.
Or whatever.
Religious Tolerance:
Easter - Its Origins
and Meanings.
"The name `Easter' originated with the names of an ancient Goddess and
God. The Venerable Bede, (672-735 CE.) a Christian scholar, first
asserted in his book De Ratione Temporum that Easter was named after
Eostre (a.k.a. Eastre). She was the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon
people in Northern Europe."
Scientific American:
How long can
humans stay awake?
"The easy experimental answer to this question is 264 hours (about 11
days). In 1965, Randy Gardner, a 17-year-old high school student, set
this apparent world-record for a science fair.... Randy Gardner was
`awake' but basically cognitively dysfunctional at the end of his ordeal."
Houston Chronicle:
'Main Street' coming to [The] Woodlands.
"The stores at the center will include a lineup similar to that found
in the Highland Village on Westheimer: Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn
or Anthropolgie...."
The April issue of Astronomy is dedicated to the theory of inflation --
that's cosmic inflation, of course. It actually only includes a
four-page article on the subject. It's a nice little article, though.
In the magazine intro, the editor admits that they prepared more
material, but they chickened out in publishing it. They had lots of
text describing the beginning of the universe, but no pictures. So
that the extra material wasn't wasted, they put it on their web site.
Unfortunately, you have to buy the magazine to get the article on
inflation. But you might want to check out this short history of Big Bang
theory and its problems ->
Astronomy (free registration required):
It All Began. From the big bang to inflation, Astronomy looks at the
history of cosmology.
"The story starts with the discovery in 1929 by the American astronomer
Edwin Hubble that matter in the universe is organized into galaxies and
that these galaxies seem to be moving away from us." ...
"Hubble's discovery implied that the universe had a beginning. And
although the idea of creation events occurring at a specific time in
the past has always been a part of mythology, this was the first time
that it became a part of serious scientific discussion."
> Incidently, although I don't often point to it here, I frequently
buy Astronomy (the magazine) when I'm grocery shopping. My five-year-old
loves discussing space with me, and my two-year-old has decided that he
wants to go to Mars. All the pictures are a big plus.
Yami, a geophysics major at CalTech, saw the
Star Wars test last night.
Nature kicks butt --
Giant blue jet
caught on film. Blue jets connect Earth's electric circuit.
"Video images captured in Puerto Rico suggest that blue flashes of
light, much like lightning, feed energy from thunderstorms up into the
Earth's ionosphere -- a blanket of electrically charged air some 70
kilometres above the ground. ... Sprites, blue jets and associated
flashes called elves, crawlers, trolls and pixies are all fleeting
electrical discharges that accompany thunderstorms."
Earth could
hold more water. Five times as much water as in all the world's
oceans may lurk deep below its surface.
"Between 650 and 2,900 km below the Earth's surface hot, compressed
minerals surround the planet's iron-rich core. Called the lower
mantle, this material may hold up to 0.2 per cent of its own weight in
water, estimate Motohiko Murakami, of the Tokyo Institute of Technology
in Japan, and colleagues."
Time gives rays
a break. Jumps in space-time might explain the curious survival of
energetic particles.
"This might explain why very-high-energy gamma rays have been detected
from a distant galaxy-like object called a blazar, suggests [Richard
Lieu of the University of Alabama in Huntsville]. Astrophysicists
expected most of these rays to be wiped out by collisions with
intervening microwave photons in space. The same goes for cosmic rays,
the high-energy subatomic particles that stream through space.
Predictions say that these should thin out abruptly above a certain
energy level because of photon collisions. But no such energy cut-off
has been found experimentally"
Man left Africa
three times. Early humans came out of Africa again and again.
"Templeton's reading of the genetic runes is that, post Homo erectus'
exit, there was a second major human migration out of Africa between
400,000 and 800,000 years ago and a third about 100,000 years ago.
He also sees a more recent movement back into Africa from Asia, and
huge amounts of genetic interchange between groups."
And now:
Wally Picks 2002
Maryland, Oklahoma, Mississippi State
and ...
well, Duke, of course.
Here are
my picks for the whole tournament. No, I don't think the big east will
go very far. Yeah, I picked SEC teams a lot. What's your point?
I've been getting some grief over my Miss. St. pick, so I thought I
should point out that Miss. St. made the final four in 1996 after
winning the SEC tournament.
towers of light beam from 'Ground Zero'.
LA Times:
Had the Blues, Says an Afghan Doctor.
"Nowadays, there are many jokes about the Taliban, which Alemi encourages.
Outside his office, a young man nudged through the crowd, saying, `Excuse
me, excuse me, I must see Mullah Omar,' which means `go to the bathroom.'"
Tournament Time!
Too bad LSU didn't make the cut this year. But six teams from the
SEC did, and I don't think they are getting the respect they deserve.
Give me a day to think about it, and I'll post my picks tomorrow
Yesterday I pointed to the great Bohr/Heisenberg controversy of
1941, so I should also point to an article about Bohr's just published
letters on the affair. Unfortunately, this article requires a
subscription --
Physics Today:
Letters Clarify Mystery.
"... Bohr recalls that Heisenberg was quite confident of German victory,
and that he therefore thought it foolish for Bohr and other Danes to rebuff
`German offers of cooperation.' Bohr also remembers Heisenberg saying that,
under his leadership, `everything was being done in Germany to develop
atomic weapons.' If the war lasted long enough, Heisenberg told him, atomic
weapons might be decisive."
HARC campus sold conveyed --
Propose Innovative Educational Collaboration.
"The North Harris Montgomery Community College District (NHMCCD), the
Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) and The Woodlands Operating
Company, L.P. (TWOC) have reached a tentative agreement that would
convey the 100-acre HARC campus and its two existing buildings to
the college district."
> This is great news. The Community College built a beautiful campus about
one mile from HARC five years ago -- a really nice facility. It's
great to see them expanding their presence in The Woodlands, and I can't
think of a better way for HARC to "fulfill its mission."
Here's another story about my "hometown" --
Houston Business Journal:
Woodlands Waterway. Waterway will unite retail shops and restaurants in Town Center.
WSJ (subscription):
Rivalry Drives The Current 'Late Show' Drama.
"Mr. Letterman never used to acknowledge Mr. Leno's existence, either
publicly or privately, until about two years ago, when he began
mocking his nemesis, with his high-pitched Boston accent and his
supposedly shallow interview style, on the air."
Odyssey finds
widespread water. Latest probe sends back strong evidence for lots
of ice beneath Mars' surface.
"The hints of hydrogen [indicative of water ice] stretch to Mars'
mid-latitudes -- roughly equivalent to the UK's latitude on Earth....
The hydrogen signal dies out over the poles. This is probably due to
frozen carbon dioxide gas lying on top of water ice masking it from
view, the researchers conclude."
Scientific American:
Why is the
Oort cloud not a disc?
"The Oort cloud is a huge spherical cloud of some 10^12 comets
surrounding the solar system and extending halfway to the nearest
Cold fusion again???
Bubbles Create Nuclear Fusion -- Maybe.
"An immediate challenge has already come from the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, which helped conduct the experiment. The lab reviewed the
work and said its scientists could find no evidence of the key neutron
Consent Condoms.
If you are wondering whether you need to fingerprint your date, you are
probably moving a little too fast.
I don't think stories like this really help Apple's marketing effort --
Undress Your
Mac for Thrills. [People are holding unpacking parties for their
new iMacs.]
"In a recent forum thread at MacNN, one poster admitted he'd rather look
at pictures of a partially unpacked iBook than pictures of partially
unclothed women."
> As long as I'm going gaga over the new iMac, I'll go ahead and
point to the intro announcement, which was a
really cool ad.
Also, here are two cartoons by