This is a collection of presentation abstracts related to past work.
Depth migration algorithms"Illumination Angle Compensation in Kirchhoff Depth Migration," Walter Kessinger, presented at the 2004 International SEG Meeting in Denver. "Extended split-step Fourier depth migration," Walter Kessinger, presented at the Fall 1992 International SEG Meeting in New Orleans and at the December 1992 GSH Processing SIG meeting.
Two-pass prestack depth imagingThe two-pass prestack method consists of cross-line prestack time migration of 3-D data followed by in-line 2-D prestack depth migration. This form of the idea was originally proposed by Gerry Gardner when he was a Rice University professor and a principle investigator in the HARC/GTRI 3D Imaging Consortium. I still believe depth imaging geophysicists could benefit by having two-pass depth imaging capabilities on their workstations for reconnaissance imaging and model testing purposes. Unfortunately, I don't think this idea ever caught on. "Two-pass 3-D prestack depth imaging of the SEG salt model data," Walter Kessinger, presented at the Fall 1998 AMGE Meeting in Veracruz, Mexico and at the Fall 1999 SEG International Meeting in Houston. "Subsalt imaging in Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, using two-pass 3-D prestack depth imaging," Jorge A. Mendoza-Amuchastegui, Arturo Diego-Orozco, Walter Kessinger and Jeno Gazdag, presented at the Fall 1998 International SEG Meeting in New Orleans. "Two-pass 3-D prestack depth imaging of a North Sea salt structure," Vincent Devaux, Monica Miley,and Walter Kessinger*, presented at Subsalt '97 Subsalt Technology Conference and Exhibition, January 28-30 in Houston.
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