In the essay below I play a friendly devil's advocate on the subject of elastic seismic modeling. For four or five years, however, I was a task leader for the DOE SEG-Imaging project on elastic seismic modeling, and I championed the importance of elastic modeling and seismic mode conversions. I believe strongly that this project should continue, with both government and industry support -- and it is, for now. If you have an interest in this project, I would be happy to give you contact information for the current project leaders. In the meantime, here's a link to the official project web site. Unfortunately, it is rarely up-to-date. Forward modeling can be applied as part of any seismic imaging or interpretation project. Whatever the project, the purpose of using forward modeling is to arrive at a better interpretation of field seismic data by comparison to computational data. Wave equation modeling is useful for studying complex imaging problems, for processing and algorithm testing, and for AVO analysis. Recent technological advances in the seismic industry have greatly increased the importance of understanding and using the full elastic wavefield generated during the course of seismic exploration. In a collaborative effort to study elastic phenomena, the National Laboratories could make obvious and significant contributions, given their expertise in elastic modeling and their extensive computing facilities. In the mid-1990's, a numerical simulation effort known as the 3D SEG/EAGE modeling project was carried out through a cooperative effort between the U.S. National Laboratories and two professional societies of industry geophysicists. Various oil companies contributed the the time and expertise of their staff to define and construct a realistic geophysical model for subsequent computational modeling. Participants at several U.S. National Laboratories used this model and seismic simulation software to produce numerical data at their supercomputer facilities. The results of these simulations were subsequently distributed throughout industry for benchmark testing of new seismic imaging software. In the time since the SEG/EAGE acoustic modeling project, the National Labs have tried to stimulate oil and gas industry interest in a collaborative 3D elastic modeling project. My experience in talking with various representatives of the oil and gas industry was that although they mostly agreed that a 3D elastic modeling consortium was a good idea, their response to specific proposals was ambivalent, and no one was willing to contribute their own time. I believe the main factor behind the lukewarm support for this effort at this time is the current industry inexperience with issues related to processing and interpreting multicomponent seismic data. When the SEG/EAGE acoustic modeling project was initiated, the oil and gas industry was specifically interested in seismic exploration under salt. There was a clear need for a benchmark of acoustic prestack depth migration algorithms to judge their relative merits and performance for subsalt imaging. I still believe that there will be a need for a similar industry-wide benchmark for multicomponent seismic data. Before that time arrives, however, our industry needs more experience working with multicomponent seismic data. Ocean bottom cable seismic acquisition is currently a proven technology only for undershooting gas chimneys. It is unlikely that this will be the only or main application for OBC seismic, but other applications still require more research and testing. The oil and gas industry will not be in a position to define a model for a computational modeling project until it has a better grasp of the environments in which this technology will be applicable, and the economic importance of its contribution.
In addition to needing more OBC acquisition
experience to define an appropriate model, industry
also needs more experience with multicomponent
processing and interpretation so that it can define
the study objectives underlying such a project. The
seismic industry is not ready to define a benchmark
dataset in part because the seismic research
community is still in the early stages of defining
appropriate uses for these data. There is currently
a scarcity of commercial and contractor software
available for processing and interpreting
multicomponent seismic data, a testament to the
immaturity of OBC seismology.
On the other hand, there have been some specific
problems for which industry has been able to agree
on elastic modeling for consortium-lead projects.
The most notable to date is probably the SMAART
consortium, where 2D elastic computational data
were generated to serve as a benchmark for subsalt
seismic multiple suppression. This dataset is now
being used as a benchmark for computationally
expensive (2D) wave scattering algorithms for
multiple suppression and elimination. As
acquisition practices continue to improve and
computational costs continue to decrease, wave
scattering and inversion methods will likely gain
acceptance and popularity. As this occurs, there
will be an inevitable progression from the use of
2D inverse wave scattering algorithms to the use of
3D algorithms. As this progression takes place,
industry and government should be prepared to
develop a three dimensional computational model
utilizing the experience gained through the use of
the 2D SMAART model. In this way, the 2D SMAART
model and its 3D successor could serve roles in the
development of inverse wave scattering methods that
would be completely analogous to the roles that the
Marmousi and SEG/EAGE salt model played in the
development of 2D and 3D prestack depth migration.
An industry/government consortium to develop and
generate a 3D computational dataset for seismic
algorithm benchmarking is a proven concept. The
SEG/EAGE salt model has demonstrated the value of a
public resource of this nature in advancing
technology in the oil and gas industry. In fact, it
is doubtful that industry, without government
involvement, could muster the resources necessary
for a project of this scale. However, at the
present time the oil and gas industry does not have
the necessary experience with multicomponent and
OBC seismic data to initiate a 3D elastic modeling
consortium, even with National Laboratory
involvement and support. Industry probably will be
ready to initiate such a project within three years
[more like eight years -- wpk, 2005]. At that time,
the involvement of the National Laboratories will
be crucial to the success of such an effort.
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